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You will be surprised to see how your dog knows you better than anyone.

Feel your sadness

If you do not feel well today your dog completely change their behavior and focus all their attention on you leaving sides games and toys.

Eying the good and bad intentions

Dogs have the ability to see if there is any danger or is about to happen something unpleasant. For example: your intentions to get him to bathe.

They can detect diseases

If your dog takes several days paying attention to a part of your body in specific, it may be a good idea to go to a doctor and you make sure you are in good health.

Perceive when you are afraid

Perhaps you've noticed how your dog gets just very tense at the moment when you're scared or you're scared. This is because you really know what you're feeling.

Knows when still important

Your dog is used to being with you all the time and if one day the most important thing in your life is not it, of course you are going to account.

Feels when you're upset with the

Every time your dog does something that should not and scold, you may notice that knows. Do things like put his paws on your legs, bending or sometimes pees.

You can sense if you are a generous person

Dogs are the most grateful animals in the world and if ever helped anyone who needed, you will not forget.

Recognizes people

All dogs, more tender they are, need discipline and training. A happy dog is a trained dog. If you have too flexible personality, your dog will know and can take advantage of that.

You know if you are pregnant

If you've ever been pregnant, you will notice that your dog acting strangely. This is because it has the ability to feel the newest member of the family because it detects your hormonal changes.

Notice if someone does not like him

When you turn to see a person with love, a substance called oxytocin is clear from your body and when you hate someone, your body undergoes chemical changes. Your dog detects this substance and reacts aggressively like you.


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