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The view cat is uniquely adapted for hunting, especially at night. It has excellent night vision, wide peripheral vision and binocular vision that allows you to calculate distances accurately.

Cat daylight vision is not as good as that of humans; cats see movement much more easily than detail and are thought to see only a limited range of colors.

The cat has an extremely sensitive ear. You can hear a wide range of sounds, including ultrasonic.

His hearing is less sensitive to low frequencies, which could explain why some domestic cats are more responsive to female voices to male.

The cat turns the ears independently to focus on different sounds.

Cat smell is highly developed, it plays a vital role in foraging and reproduction. Many of the social signals of domestic cats take the form of smell: for example, males apparently can smell a female in heat hundreds of meters.

The cat has specialized sense of taste in a peculiar way: it has little ability to detect sweetness, but is very sensitive to slight variations in the taste of water. The cat's tongue is covered with rough protuberances, or baby food, which used to scrape the flesh from the bones. It also uses the tongue to clean.

Whiskers, or vibrissae, are very sensitive to the slightest touch and used to warn obstacles and notice changes in the environment; They serve low light to find your way.


The domestic cat reaches puberty at around nine or ten months.

A sexually mature female cat goes into heat, or estrus, several times a year; during estrus is, simultaneously, responsive and attractive to cats.

The gestation period is about 65 days and the usual litter of 4 pups. Kittens are born deaf, blind and helpless; eyes open at 8 or 10 days of birth and weaning begins at 6 weeks of age.
Coat colors

The original coat color domestic cat was probably grayish brown with darker spots, color that provides excellent camouflage in various environments.

All other colors and patterns are the result of genetic mutations; for example, coats solid colors like black or blue, are due to a gene that suppresses the fringes; reddish coat to a gene that turns reddish black pigment, and white coat is the result of a gene that completely suppresses all pigment formation.

Two pigments, black and orange, form the basis of all colorations of modern domestic cat. These pigments can be combined with each other or with white (no pigment). A single gene, the O (orange, orange in English), determines whether a cat's coat contains black or orange pigment.

We can imagine the O gene as a switch is on (orange pigment) or off (black pigment). This gene is located on the X chromosome, so its inheritance is sex-related.

Among the classifications made on the various breeds of cats, one of the most accepted divides into two main classes: short and long hair. Among the latter is counted Persian cat: short legs, broad chest, very large, round eyes; and Angora cat, similar to the previous, more fine lines.

The coat is characterized by the beauty of its brilliance and different names depending on the tone of hair and his eyes glare bouncing in the dark.

However, this classification is purely utilitarian and unscientific; in fact, they are the exotic short-haired breeds, with large numbers of wild and primitive forms, which have given rise to the domestic cat and have derived this long-haired breeds. Consequently, the classification should from wild and domestic breeds, subdividing the latest in short hair and long hair.
Shorthaired cats are divided into two main groups: domestic and other more or less exotic breeds. As the above they are also designated by the color of their skin. Among them there are varieties that attended, give copies selected.

Among the exotic shorthair contains a variety from Abyssinia supposed descendant of the ancient Egyptian cat. This variety is small, graceful forms, tiny legs and long ears.

Their fur is similar to the wild rabbit; with various colors on each hair, give a reddish brown tone with dark spots or stripes. His eyes are green or yellowish; shy, placid and affectionate temperament.

Cat of the Isle of Man, from where its name suggests, is easily recognized by be devoid of tail.

Although there are varieties of tailless cats, only the Isle of Man has a small hole where it should be said appendix. Their legs are quite long and narrow his back, walking gives a kind of rabbit-like jump.

His coat is also similar to this rodent, due to the soft and thick hair that grows beneath the hair. The color of this breed is very varied, and despite the daring and independent, are good companions of man.

Easily recognizable by the uncommon tone of his coat, the Siamese cat is commonly roasted, clearing to acquire a creamy hue at the bottom. However, his face, ears, paws and tail have an intense dark color. Some varieties have a delicate grayish blue tint.

The coat color varies by age Siamese cat, the state of your health and variety belonging to their parents. This cat's eyes are oblique and a blue sapphire.


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