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Breeds of Cats

Unlike the other categories of this website, the articles in this category are sorted alphabetically for easy searching of different breeds of cats.

German longhaired cat

The history of German longhaired cat has almost 100 years, but has not been until a few that it has been officially recognized. Let us know more about this breed, also known as German Longhair or Deutsch Langhaar.

American wirehair cat
If you want to know more deeply cats American Standardbred in the next article will talk about its history, its evolution, its physical characteristics and care it needs to grow happy and healthy.

Ashera Cat, the jewel of the feline universe
You know the world's most expensive cat? For invites you to know the glamorous world Ashera cat.

Asian Smoke Tabby Cat
Among those who have a predilection for cats as pets there is some sympathy towards a particular race: Asian Smoke Tabby cat. One of the reasons more attractive grants this species is its remarkable resemblance to the tiger.

Brazilian shorthair cat
The Brazilian shorthair cat breed is a native of Brazil. This breed comes from stray cats, and unlike cats design, born from the crossing of mestizos felines. It was created in 1985 by Paul Ruschi.

Burmese cat
The Burmese breed is of Burmese origin. They are cats with extraordinary personality. They are affectionate, funny, close, etc. These and other features discussed in this article make excellent pets.

Khao Manee cat
The cat Khao Manee (also known as Diamond Eyes) is one of the most exclusive cats in the world. We show its main features so you can know better.

Oriental Longhair
The Oriental Longhair combines the beauty of oriental cat with Siamese elegance. It has a semi-long hair coat with varied colors and distribution found in Balinese cat patterns.

Japanese cat rabón
The cat depicted in figures throughout Japan lifting one leg to bring good luck is none other than the Rabón Japanese. We learn more about these wonderful little friends.

Norway wild forest cat
Although the origins of the breed are related to witches and spells, really wild cat Norwegian forest is a curious animal who enjoys the company of other people and animals. Let us know more about this wonderful breed of cats.

Tonkinese cat
The Tonkinese cat is a native of Canada. If you do not know too much on the following lines you will know more about this loving breed of cats.

Toyger cat
The origins of this animal back to 1980 when Judy Sugden, creator of the race, it was proposed to reproduce the tiger as docile as a cat and adaptable to the conditions of modern life caste.

Abyssinian cats
Although the exact origin of the Abyssinian breed is not entirely confirmed, what we do have clear it is that this is a super outgoing cat, playful and very affectionate. We know more of these special cats.

Cats American Curl
Although the origin of this race does not date back centuries, the story of their discovery is somewhat peculiar. Us know it and we know more about these cats look so particular thanks to its little ears bent back.

American Shorthair cats
One of the most dazzles cats spotted in his fur is undoubtedly the American Shorthair breed. This cat large and robust body is native to Europe, although its history, and its recognition changes have occurred in the United States.

tabby cats
Brindle cats are among the most admired and beloved domestic felines. We talk about them in detail in the next article.

Russian Blue cats
The origin of the Russian blue cat is not entirely true, as neither is his name. What we do know is that they are peaceful, loving and very attached to their owners cats. Little playful cats are great to have as a pet.

Balinese cats
Cat from the crossing of two conjoined gene carriers longhaired, this good-natured and sociable cat is perfect as a pet. Let us know more about this elegant race.

Bengalis cats
The origin of this breed comes from crosses between Asian domestic cats with wild cats. The result is a breed of wild appearance but domestic character. Learn more features about Bengalis cats.

Cats Japanese Bobtail
The Japanese Bobtail breed is one of the oldest in the country of the rising sun. curious and playful cat, it is mainly characterized by its coiled like a pompom tail. We learn more about this wonderful breed.

Bombay cats
The Bombay breed is one of the most beautiful there. And the choicest too, as there is very little copies worldwide of this race. His appearance panther gives extraordinary beauty. And it has a super affectionate nature.

British Shorthair cats
The British Shorthair has a peaceful and friendly nature that makes a perfect pet for people looking for a loving cat. Besides his body and his features redondito give it a light appearance bear. Let us know something more about it.

Burmilla cats
English race origin, Burmilla arises from crosses between the Burmese and Chinchilla race. His green eyes intense color and its friendly and calm nature make it one of the most recommended pet cats in the world.

California Spangled Cats
The California Spangled cat breed known for its appearance leopard and its intelligence and inexhaustible energy they show. Know more deeply these cats Californian origin and affectionate and playful character.

cats Ceylon
The Ceylon cat or Gatto di Ceylon is a native of the island of Sri Lanka, South East India, which should be one of his most famous race identifications: Cat Sri Lanka.

Chartreux cats
Originally from La Grande Chartreuse Monastery in Grenoble, the Chartreux breed is characterized by its smiling expression and expressive copper eyes. Let us know more about this playful and family race.

Common European cats
Originating from African and Asian cat species, the common European cat is an intelligent, affable and sociable race. Thanks to how easy it fits almost every space is an ideal race as a domestic cat.

Cornish Rex cats
These beautiful cats are one of the breeds that have had greater acceptance in recent years as a pet. In addition to their physical appearance, the Cornish Rex is attractive for its loving nature, playful and sociable.

Cymric cats
The origin of this social breed of cats comes from the Manx race. So much so that in many places it is known as Manx Longhair. And of course the Cymric cats also have this peculiarity so characteristic of the Manx: a very short tail.

Devon Rex cats
The first appearances deceive the Devon Rex breed. Although it might seem a sad and timid cat, it is a happy cat, playful, sociable and full of vitality. It is able to create a great bond with their owners, but does not support loneliness.

Exotic cats
The history of this breed of quiet and good-natured appearance is relatively recent. We know more of the characteristic features of the character and the specific care they need exotic cats.

Cats Foldex
The history of the Foldex race dates back to 1992 and comes from a cross between races and Scottish Fold Exotic shorthair. The result is a cat looking robust medium sized and good character with peculiar short and harvested ears.

Selkirk Rex cats
As in the cases of his colleagues Devon and Cornish, the German Rex breed originated by crossing two different species of cats: Angora and Russian Blue. Active and playful character, we are facing one of the most sociable races in the world.

Cats Havana
This playful and joyful character cat named thanks to the lovely color of its coat. Originally from England, now we know a little more cat breed Havana. Let's look at his features, his sympathetic character and care required.

Highland Fold cats
This beautiful breed is characterized by its long fur and their folded ears. While it is not a recognized breed, the Highland Fold is a beautiful example of the beauty and nobility treasured cats.

cats Himalayans
Emerged from crosses between Persian and Siamese cats, it receives the name of the resemblance that presents its color pattern with that found in the Himalayan rabbit. Affectionate and quiet, the Himalayan cat is ideal for apartment living.

Javanese cats
Javanese cats breed is one of the most recognized and precious worldwide. It combines the features of elegant Siamese cat along with the beauty of Balinese cats, resulting in a cat that falls just see it.

Korat cats
The Korat is one of the oldest breeds known. Originally from Thailand, the Korat race presents a stylized figure with his shiny coat and green eyes make her one of the most enigmatic and elegant breeds.

Maine Coon Cats
Let us know something more about one of the oldest natural breeds in the United States. This breed of thick hair and curious character is one of the few races that naturally enjoy the water and splash about in it.

Manx cats
Here are the main features of this special cat. The absence of the tail is the most prominent feature of the Manx race. His loss has always generated many legends, although the explanation is completely rational.

Egyptian Mau cats
The Egyptian Mau is one of the most representative cats. With more than 4,000 years old it is believed that this animal is the father of many breeds of domestic cats we know today. Let's look at the main features of these mystical animals.

Munchkin cats
The origin of this breed is due to a genetic mutation that resulted in a cat with short legs and elongated body. But his legs are no impediment to play and climb without stopping, because it is a cat full of agility, vitality and sociability.

Nebelung cats
The Nebelung breed, originating in the United States, is the result of crossing a copy of Russian Blue cat and a female of the breed Longhair. Playful, sociable and somewhat capricious, today we will learn more about these beautiful cats.

Cats Ocicat
The Ocicat breed is one of the most savage look like, but they are really loving cats who need a lot of love and that, paradoxically, enjoy indoors. Let us know something more about this peculiar breed exotic-looking and good-natured character.

Peterbald cats
We show information about one of the breeds of cats without most recent hairs: the Peterbald cats. We'll talk about its origins, the character that has the characteristics of your body and the care he needs your particular skin with almost no hair.

Pixie-Bob Cats
American origin, Cats Pixie-Bob breed are wonderful specimens with traits of wild cat but with the loving temperament of a domestic cat. We learn more about this breed of cats.

Ragamuffin cats
The Ragamuffin cats are affectionate and playful. And when we say this, we mean extremely affectionate and playful. Want to know more about them? We talk about their history, their characteristics and way of being of these.

Ragdoll cats
For people who love cats jolly-looking and quiet, the Ragdoll breed is an excellent choice. With friendly and nothing unruly temperament, this cat is ideal for elderly companion.

Burmese cats
The Burmese cat is a semi-long hair and quiet and sociable character that make it perfect as a pet. Playful and affectionate, this lovable cat will become the attraction of the whole family.

Scottish Fold cats
Hailing from Scotland, the Scottish Fold breed is characterized by its peculiar ears falls. This beautiful animal is perfect for those who want a good-natured cat loving look.

Serengeti cats
Resembling a wild cat, the Serengeti race is actually gentle and affectionate. Know something more of these cats extroverted, active and playful character.

Seychellois cats
With a medium size and delicate appearance, elegant Seychellois race is a species that is little known. They are cats that are distinguished by their mischievous temperament and affectionate. Let us know more about this wonderful breed.

Siberian cats
Siberians are very intelligent cats that perfectly amoldarán to life of its own, to the point of imitating their ways. Playful and curious, the Siberian is suitable for families willing to let him be part of your daily routine.

Singapura cats
The origin of the Singapura cats found on the island of Singapore. Today we will know better this breed of small cats and sociable and playful character.

Cats Skogkatt
One of the most beautiful races in Norway is the Skogkatt. Its origin is not entirely confirmed, but we know that this wild-looking cat is a fun and active animal that shows much love for their owners and some distrust of the new.

Snowshoe cats
This American race comes from crosses between Siamese and American Shorthair. The Snowshoe is a tender and affectionate cat in which much attract attention his little legs, which seem to wear white gloves. Let us know why and learn more race.

Cats Sokoke
The name of these cats they owe their origin: the rainforests of Sokoke in Kenya. athletic and vigorous, cats are fun and playful with their owners. Besides constantly they are trying to communicate with them through gestures and meows.

Sphynx cats
The Sphynx breed is one of the most unique and special in the world. Let us know something more about her features, her gentle nature and learn to take care of her silky skin.

Thai cats
The Thai breed is also known as traditional Siamese because it is a variety within the same Siamese breed. The main differences with the modern Siamese lie in the physical. Let's look at these differences and learn more about the Thai cats.

Turkish Van
This beautiful race of Turkish origin is one of the most admired worldwide cats. His wild but with social and affectionate character looks are part of its charm. Although you need a lot of space to burn off energy, it is a perfect pet.

York Chocolate cats
This beautiful breed of cats is characterized by abundant fluffy chocolate-colored coat. They are also good-natured cats showing their affection with much effusiveness. Let us know more about the York Chocolate.

Hairless cat breeds
Hairless cats may seem strange, curious or different. There are different breeds of cats are born hairless but it also called cats born with very little hair.


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